Sakura(cherry tree) is fully blooming in Osaka. It’s the national flower of Japan and we Japnese love this flower very much. I will show you some pictures.
First, Sakura in my garden. There are many kinds of sakura. More than 40 types. Somei-yoshino, Yae-zakura, Shidare-zakura are famous. These(in my garden) are Shidare-zakura. It’s branchs grow toword the ground and color of blossoms is pink, and it blooms later than any other types. (but it bloomed very ealy in this year.)
Next, sakura in a park near my house. Maybe they are Someiyohino. Most common sakura trees. It’s color of blossoms is white and branches grow toword the sky.
Next, sakura blooming in the way I usually do walking. You can see sakura all over Japan.
And in another park. Many parks light up in this season. We call it “YOZAKURA”. Yo + Zakura(Sakura). Yo or Yoru means night in Japnanese.