What Is the Contraction in Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing event that brings numerous changes to a woman`s body. The hormonal changes can cause physical and emotional changes that can be overwhelming. One common occurrence during pregnancy is contractions. But what is a contraction in pregnancy?

Contractions are the tightening and releasing of the uterine muscles. They are a sign that the body is getting ready for labor and delivery. Contractions are a normal and necessary part of childbirth. However, contractions that occur before 37 weeks can be a sign of preterm labor and require immediate medical attention.

Contractions can feel different for each woman, but they are often described as a tightening or cramping sensation in the lower abdomen. Some women may experience back pain or pressure in the pelvis and thighs during a contraction. As labor progresses, contractions become stronger and more frequent.

There are two types of contractions: Braxton Hicks contractions and labor contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions are also known as false labor. They are sporadic and irregular contractions that can occur as early as the second trimester. Braxton Hicks contractions are usually painless and do not indicate that labor is imminent.

Labor contractions, on the other hand, are stronger, more regular, and closer together. They are a sign that labor has begun and are accompanied by other signs of labor, such as the breaking of the water, the onset of bloody show, and the passage of the mucus plug.

It is important to note that the timing of contractions is crucial in determining if labor has begun. If contractions are regular, increasing in intensity, and occurring closer together, it is a sign that labor is progressing. If contractions are irregular, decreasing in intensity, or occurring further apart, it is a sign that labor has not yet begun.

In summary, contractions are a normal and necessary part of childbirth. They are the tightening and releasing of the uterine muscles and are a sign that the body is getting ready for labor and delivery. Braxton Hicks contractions are false labor, while labor contractions are a sign that labor has begun. If you experience contractions before 37 weeks or have any concerns about contractions during pregnancy, it is important to contact your healthcare provider for evaluation.

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